I am still working on Jenny's blog, A Tale of Two Coins. Here are some pictures I was working on for her sidebar. Jenny let me know what you think!! We are getting close to the final product!!

Jenny, I am not sure why Blogger is putting a white border abound the picture in with the borders. I am pretty sure I can get it to work right when we put it in the sidebar! I am really tired, I think I am calling it a night for tonight!!
It looks good so far to me Jen. But I was reading the part at the top about it not being sad and something about Happy. That part just looks a little different may be the wording. Not sure I hope I am not being rude by saying that. If so sorry.
Thanks Amy,
I am always open to suggestions!! I don't always see the flaws or mistakes. Can you be more specific. Is it the actual words, or does the font look different.Should it be reworded? Help??
It looks AWESOME! I love the lacy, antique look! Very, very pretty!
One tiny little spelling mistake in the header - unexpectedly is missing the last e.
Looks great!
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