I recently mentioned in a previous post, on my
personal blog, I've been reading the blog
An Ordinary Miracle. This is an incredible family that has been through a lot these past few years with trying to complete their family! They have a sweet boy named Owen, who they adopted from Russia a couple of years ago. They are now in the process of adopting a little girl from South Korea who they've named Lily Soo!! They are raising money in order to bring Lily Soo home! They hope to be able to have her home by her first birthday in November!
For a couple of months now I've really felt the Lord calling me to use my hobby of Blog design for His glory! I have never charged for any of the blog design or blog services I have done thus far! I would however like to help this family bring Lily home so I thought I would do a Buttons for Lily Soo Sale!!
If you are interested in getting a button for your blog, NOW is a great opportunity to get one!! It can be a button and grab box for your personal blog or it can be for some special event happening on your blog too! Each button will only be $5! You can get a button and scrolling box to grab the code underneath for only 5 dollars!!
If you would like to purchase a button please email me at jenieshell at gmail dot com and pay the $5 fee by clicking on my paypal donate button at the bottom of this post. This sale will be for this week only and 100% raised will be donated to Bring Lily Home Fund!! I will transfer the total amount raised next Sunday, July 25th.
If you are not in need of a blog button but would still like to help out this great family please feel free to donate through my paypal button! I will make sure to include it in the final amount raised next week!
So now is the time to get your button and help bring Lily HOME!!!